Bugatron Review

Only fun for the demo.

Submitted by superman402 on Tue, 2006-04-04 01:10.
Author's Product Rating:
Addiction Factor: 
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.99$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
If you get that sudden and quickly fleeing urge to play Galaga one midnight...this is your game.
If you get that sudden and quickly fleeing urge to play Galaga one midnight...this is your game.

This game brings back memories of playing the goold ol' games like Centipede, Galaga, Millipede, and the hundred or so other games that are all pretty much the same. The object of the game...kill 'em all! This game is pretty much a 3D Galago / Centipede crossover. Yes, the game is good if you like the older (pre-Nintendo) era games. Come to think of it. There are quite a few original Nintendo games that beat this out. Even the original Super Mario Bros. and Tetris rank higher than this.

Bugatron is something you'd expect to find in a Wal-Mart discount software rack right next to Deer Hunter and Battleship. Yes it has 3D graphics (which are not great, at that) but that doesn't stop it from sucking! I don't think that I'd spend this kind of money for Galaga 3D...hey, didn't they make that one too?

My advice, DON'T DO IT! If you are really that interested, try the demo. You get a full hour of Terminix training. That should be about all you can stand. On top of that, you can't even use your mouse. Not that you'd have to anyway. The game is simple enough that my 4 year old could master it after the initial hour. Who cares that you can adjust the volume or change the screen resolution? How about some quality instead of rehashing the old stuff. Let it die gracefully...please!


Who wants to play Galaga at midnight anyway?