Age of Castles Review

Forgettable Experience

Submitted by SanchezNI on Sun, 2008-05-25 17:24.
Author's Product Rating:
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The lowest price: 17.99$
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Simple game to play with a very small learning curve. Simple graphics that run smoothly and look decent.
Boring, no sense of build up or excitement No sense of reward for doing well

This game's title is a bold move by the developers. Jumping on the 'Age of...' bandwagon in an attempt to boost popularity will only leave punters frustrated with the lack of creativity, ingeniuty and a feasible gaming experience.

The game begins with some promise, allowing you to choose a name for your King and of what race you are to belong to, each one with their separate attributes but how much effect this has on the overall gaming experience is certainly debatable.

The bulk of the gameplay involves you dictating to your villagers one of four professions. They can be merchants, builders, soldiers or clerics. Depending on how many of villagers are employed in each profession, your Realm's resources will increase / decrease.

Fans of the strategic management games will be bitterly disappointed with the micro-management in this as the only control you have is dishing out the professions. If you want more gold, hire more merchants. If you want a bigger castle, hire more builders. While I figured that maybe the emphasis on this game may have been the action, I overlooked the poor management side of things and eagerly awaited my first battle.

I was duely informed at the beginning of a new turn that Giant Spiders had invaded my kingdom. My 125 strong army, consisting of 15 soldiers, dispatched the Spiders with absolutely no sense of excitement. The battles involve two options. Retreat or Fight. All you have to do is click.

This game's diabolically simple management and lack of strategic battles may lend itself to younger gamers looking for a simple turn based 'medieval' experience. To anyone who encourages their brains to function at least a sub-human level, forget this game even exists.


Simply put, this game may be of interest if you're looking for something nice and simple, otherwise, forget it.