Typing Master Express Review

Wont make you a "Master" , but will make you Faster.

Submitted by coryw68122 on Mon, 2006-10-16 02:15.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.91$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Simple, straight foreward, with little learning curve (depending on previous experience, of course). Good for building your WPM on resumes.
May be too simple. Gets boring quickly, and the GUI is less than desirable. Games are mediocre, and there is sometimes lag between the keyboard, and the application itself.

This software is ideal (in my opinion) for those who have little computing experience, and who absolutely *need* to type over 50 words per minute (or WPM as the program abbreviates it) and up. For new users, just browsing the web, and typing up documents once in a while, it's a tad overkill. This company offers a free online typing test, and other demos online at http://typingtest.com/ which should work fine for the casual user. To improve, however your typing speeds to place on a resume, I definitely recommend the software.

The games that come with it are about as fun as the old school Tetris. Very boring, very quickly. The longest i have consecutively played one, was no longer than 10 minutes, as they don't grab your attention, or immerse you. I recommend sticking to the basic skill building tools the application comes with. They will do the most good, and be just about as fun as the games (though the games seem to be targeted more as a review tool).

The application has a few bugs, at least that I could tell. The biggest was some lag between my keyboard and the app (which may just be my computer). However, this is not nearly enough to throw off your results, or make you less likely to enjoy the software.

The software does, in all actuality, work well. I wrote down my average typing speeds from the first use of the software, to the final use of it (30 minutes a day, for 12 days). I improved from an average of about 56 WPM to about 64 (not huge, but eventually could make a big difference).

Throughout my time using the software, I didn't require support, So i gave them an average rank on this area.


Overall, if you are a casual user, the online demos and typing tests will eventually help you out for free. But if you are looking to build a resume, or become more productive, this software will work great, but be aware of some of the cons.