Brave Dwarves II Review

Well... if you like Super Mario...

Submitted by balance on Mon, 2007-09-03 11:33.
Author's Product Rating:
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The lowest price: 17.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Looks OK, easy to control (if you manage to view the tutorial)
Pointless, optionless and boring after a while.

OK, Brave Dwarfs is another Super Mario type game that makes you hop around to get coins, potions, jewelry and other items all in order to complete some predefined task.

So, fine, if you like Super Mario then, you will certainly adore Brave Dwarfs 2. But if you like games to have some sort of a deeper meaning, if you want a well-written plot and if you're into strategy games, i suggest you forget about Brave Dwarfs.

OK, as for the graphics... well we pretty much live in a 3D animated world where any other sort of contribution is not really appreciated. So, fine - the graphics are OK, they're not 3D, but they look pretty.

The game is quite dark though, and only a small region surrounding the dwarf is lit up by a candle that the dwarf holds (maybe).

As most Super Mario type games, Brave Dwarfs 2 is quite pointless - all you have to do is move around to collect items that later on probably open doors. Besides that - there is no need for any sort of brains in this game, and also, you're not in control of the output of the game - it's all linear.


If you still like Super Mario and are fond of games that require absolutely no logic, you'll like Brave Dwarfs 2, if not... don't try this one.