PDFCamp Review

PDFCamp - easy to use and functional

Submitted by balance on Mon, 2007-11-12 17:32.
Author's Product Rating:
Value For Money: 
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 26.91$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Easy to use, swift installation, small file size (the installer), functional
No Control Panel, no file management options, not enough usage instructions for the total beginner

PDFcamp is an easy to use application that allows you to print most of your files to PDF format. Anything that is printable, can be transformed into PDF.

The installation went along just fine. I appreciate the fact that I was asked whether I wanted to make PDF Camp my default printer.

After the installation was done, I opened a document, printed it out - and it was just fine. I liked the fact that it kept my page layout intact. Also, I noticed that the font was also intact.

What I found to be not so pleasing was the fact that when I tried to print letters of different alphabets that English, let's say French letters, I got brackets printed out instead of a number of letters. the same is valid for German specific letters.

Let's leave the letters aside - it did the job any American or British (or Australian) citizen might have asked for. There were no errors or any sosrts of nag-screens inciting me to buy the product. There was only one red line on the edge of the output file.

So why PDF camp? Well, honestly, there are a lot of products out there that can print from file to file. There are a lot of PDF printers. Because I have tested a few of them - I can say that PDF camp resembles the lot. Some of them have a user interface. PDF Camp could have used one as well.


PDFCamp is an efficient product. it does have a couple of flaws, but no one is perfect. It does the job. However, there are a lot of other products very similar to it out there - try it, I guess.