Age of Castles Review

$17.99? More like $1.79.

Submitted by Antster on Sat, 2008-05-24 20:54.
Author's Product Rating:
Addiction Factor: 
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.99$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Might be fun as a short, 10 minute game.
Graphics, Battle System, Repetition, Lack of fun

Age Of Castles seems heavily flawed, with many horrible problems, such as the horrible graphics and the plain HORRIBLE battle system.

At first it looks to be a decent game, with the soundtrack giving it the 'epic' feel. But once you begin, you wonder where it went horribly, horribly wrong.

The battle system for one, ends out in lengthy spams of left click, looking at nothing but maybe the occasional 'hit' amongst the 'misses'. As a game, the intention for it is to be fun. This seems more like a chore than anything.

The graphics are horrendous too. Nothing happens. It's like watching a painting. And it remains that way, even after the 30 minutes I played, during which my eyes were bleeding, and my mind bored.

The concept is to expand your castle while fighting off monsters, then after a repetition of doing the same thing, day in, day out, you get to move your castle. And then you repeat the exact same thing.

To be honest, there's not many positive points that could salvage this game. In fact I don't think there's any.


Horrible game that needs serious reworking and further development before even intending to sell.