Typing Master Express Review

Master of not taking pride in thier work!

Submitted by travistrain on Thu, 2008-06-19 23:31.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 17.91$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Information can actualy teach how type correctly!
Tutorial is typed and doesn't have voice or someone reading it for you

The Typing Master is not at all what I though it would be. With the word "trainer" in mind I though it would have a little more more user freindly stuff then it offered. Like having a voice reading the steps and easier navigation, so you wouldn't have to remove your hand from the keyboard to click the mouse. They put alot more work into thier website and how great it looks then they did in the actualy software. I did not complete the whole course becuase of it being so boring and did not impress me much. They wanted to make a little money without putting alot of work into thier software. There is not much eles to say about this software other then not to bother downloading it.
You can probably even find free typing tutorials on the internet then what this company has to offer!


I'm sure there is other software that would be better to buy then this, with the over priced for what you get, low quality features in mind of this software.