Aqua Real Screensaver Review

Fun and Beautiful

Submitted by steveblack86 on Sat, 2008-09-06 18:06.
Author's Product Rating:
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The lowest price: 17.95$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
High-Detail Three-Dimensional Extreme Coloring Eye-Catching Graphics Realistic Motions Beautiful Underwater Scenery
Memory "Eater" Requires Higher-End Graphics with 3D Capabilities Price is a little steep for something you can't really do a lot of interacting with.

The Aqua Real screen-saver has a very colorful, realistic, three-dimensional appearance resembling an idealistic "underwater world." As beautiful and luminous as the screen-saver may be, there has got to be a draw-back, right? Right!

Being a high-detail and three-dimensional screen-saver with extreme coloring, Aqua Real presents an eye-catching background with highly-realistic sea creatures that swim in a convincingly real motion across the screen and in and out of the landscaping.

Of course, with every nice high-detail graphic, there is a down-side. To accurately and smoothly depict this scene and the graphics of this screen-saver, you will need a graphics card that is 3-D compatible and has preferrably higher graphics display capabilities. Those who are running a lower-color capable piece of hardware may not be able to view this correctly, if at all.

Another thing to keep in mind, as with any other high-graphic application, is the amount of memory that is going to be needed to enable this screen-saver to display and act flawlessly. Once again, this leads back to your graphics card capabilities along with your processor speeds, which would bring you more to the topic of "Minimum System Requirements."

The help file gives your basic system requirements and directions of use of the software. The average help / support information is supplied with the software.


This is a great product that the developer put lots of work into with the 3D rendering and color palette used. If you are into the beautiful landscaping and coloring and creatures associated with the aqua life, this definitely would be the screen-saver for your computer!