Binary Boy Review

Newsgroup Simplicity

Submitted by Patwdpat on Thu, 2006-12-21 16:43.
Author's Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 22.45$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Great Scheduling Terrific Cache management
Few Upgrades Average looking GUI

Aaaah Newsgroups, one of the sercret lairs of file sharing... these days it seems p2p and torrent are king when it comes to sharing files.
But theres always been a slightly less popular, a more secretive way to share files: Newsgroups.

Thats right the origianal internet source for news and weather updates also allows you to download files at high speeds.

Perhaps the only reason for its lack of popularity is the fact that in order to download the files you must know a little bit about the system.

But for a knowledgeable user BinaryBoy offers the perfect solution: a streamlined affordable product that allows you to manually download files as well as set downloads to start at a certain time. These features truely set BinaryBoy out from other more expensive clients.

Multiple use of searching includes single words and use of boolean logic custome rules may be added but it is difficult to determine the terms at times.
My favourite setting is the ability to fix partially downloaded movies so as to avoid wasting your bandwith.

Upgrades seem to be sparse these days but that does not prevent this from being my favourite client
Reccomend to all


worth the buy for any avid downloader