Dungeon Scroll Review

If you have no graphics card and no speakers, buy this game

Submitted by tstruckman on Mon, 2009-11-02 23:55.
Author's Product Rating:
Addiction Factor: 
Ease of Use: 
The lowest price: 13.45$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
Fun, addicting, increases word vocabulary, interesting concept
Overpriced, repetitive, poor music, poor graphics, too linear

This game is surprisingly fun and addicting. It does become repetitive, and leaves the gamer searching for more. The word game style far outweighs any RPG aspect that this game holds. The word play is fun, and addicting, and at times can be very difficult. Time passed very quickly while playing this game, and before I knew it, the demo had expired. It did however get somewhat repetitive in that time, and there are some definite improvements that could have been made in order to make the game better.

For instance, the game makes no usage of the money that you make. Upgrades are strictly off of monsters that are killed, and almost seem random. Had the game incorporated an upgrade purchasing system, or items (armor, weapons, etc...) it would have made the game much more enjoyable, and more RPG like.

The graphics are a little too old school for my taste, and I usually favor gameplay over graphics....but come on. I swear I have played some commodore 64 games that could rival this in terms of visuals, and in terms of audio as well. Thats cool for 1982...but it doesn't cut it for right now.

The audio is equally as bad as the graphics...which was hard to accomplish.

The only thing that this game has going for it is the addictive gameplay, and the fact that as you are playing, you are making yourself more intelligent. Will the poor graphics and audio take away from your intelligence? Its possible, but at least it will balance out.


Play the demo, please. And if you are going to play the demo, consider playing your own music in the background...or just unplugging your speakers. Would I pay $1.99 to have this game? I would consider it, depending on what other options my two bucks have for that day. Would I pay $13.45? Never in my life.