New Software To Be Reviewed Review


Submitted by lawal on Wed, 2009-12-09 01:53.
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The lowest price: 0$
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Very Interesting war game. Pretty design.Acceptable and good to relax with.
Should improve graphics and sound

The enemy are occupying our land and cities and it’s really time to claim our properties and get rid of the enemy! I am the pilot of the rebel army and we have a strategic plan:to use an aircraft to launch attack from the skies. From the aircraft menu I can buy a helicopter, fighter or whatever I can afford.

As I steer the aircraft with my mouse I carefully look for enemy hide outs. I am provided with a mini map that is really good for spotting their houses, flats and building . I have to be very careful because destroying civilian buildings costs me a lot of money!

From time to time they fire bullets and rockets, hoping to explode my aircraft but with a swift move of my mouse I just loop the aircraft and dodge their weapons. Since I have easy access to the weapon menu, all I have to do is spend some good money and buy land missiles, bombs, air missiles or propaganda leaflets.

As soon as I'm loaded up I return to the skies. But the enemy are really very tough! They keep firing very heavily at my aircraft. Some of their weapons are really hurting me pretty bad but I don't give up. Just then a voice comes out from the background music to shout a warning: “fuel is low!”

But I just have to keep fighting because they are firing at me from every corner. So I hit “c” on the keyboard to switch to more deadly weapons. Ha Ah! I can now explode the enemies much faster! But suddenly the voice comes out loud again: ”fuel is critical!” This is a warning I must heed. I have to land urgently, refuel and repair free of charge.

When I come back to the sky I switch to propaganda weapons. Then I become too strong for them! The enemy start exploding in their large number .Then I know victory is very close at hand.


The game is really a great fun.