New Software To Be Reviewed Review

Paper Mache Game

Submitted by tigerhero25 on Tue, 2010-04-20 03:10.
Author's Product Rating:
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The lowest price: 0$
You can buy it at RegNow for that price.
many weapons and many enemies
too much lag, poor character designs, poor level design, major repetition, boring gameplay

Recently on I played the game "Paper Warfare". The storyline to me seemed minimal and didn't even tell you enough to understand what was going on. It went off about a story that is supposed to be the background of the game but it doesn't explain the events that lead up to the gameplay of the game. The storyline as far as I understood was that humans made contact with an alien race. The alien race was conquered by evil citizens and they need energy so they attack Earth. Really they don't explain how humans became aware, what the devices are that we are fighting with, and even how the aliens got here in the first place. Then the gameplay was even more confusing. The enemies are supposed to look like alien ships but only 3 or 4 looked like actual ships. Then on about level 5 there are so many aliens with tracking missiles that even with the fastest gun, the shield, and the strongest armor you still die. Then with all of this going on your computer will seriously lag. The level design was repetitive and boring the background sky was just different colors of paper and got boring fast. This game is only fun really for the first level then after that it loses it's touch.


This is fun if you want to play maybe a level or two after that stop playing. It isn't worth it.