New Software To Be Reviewed Review

Infix PDF Editor

Submitted by rajeevankk on Sat, 2010-10-02 13:16.
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Infix Pro has excellent features that it can be conveniently used for creating E-Books.
Very poor help system which is a tripping block for not so expert users

What does it take a soft ware, to be popular among user community? Is it the plethora of functionality available? On the other hand, is it the user-friendliness? Well, opinions may differ but I personally think ease of use is the key.
Infix pro comes with a lot of tools and conveniences so that it can even take the place of a full-fledged conventional word processor albeit the absence of good documentation. What is the use of providing too many ‘goodies’ with out a proper documentation on how to use it? It is the classic case of lighting a candle inside a pot so that not body knows that such a thing exists and can be used to do away with the darkness.

Although the software has excellent features the developers of Infix Pro had not made any effort to project these features. Why didn’t they come up with an easy to understand help system, instead of that poor attempt of documentation bundled with the software?

Let us have a look at the drawing tools. Really great! Try to draw a human face with the pencil tool. If you are not an experienced person in dealing with other such softwares, you will not get beyond drawing the circle that is supposed to be the contour of the face. What you will get is a dark circle staring at you from the screen. This is so because the fill feature is turned on by default. If you are an expert user you will click open the ‘color picker’ pop-up and select no fill icon to get rid of this menace. How will a poor first time user ‘divine’ this?
How will you add a new page? It does not automatically happen just like word processors. You will have to use Document->Pages->Insert New menu item or Ctrl+Shift+N. Well nothing wrong in it except that there is no hint about this ‘jack in the box’.
What I am hinting is that if Infix Pro mercifully come up with an easy help system, this package would have been very popular and on the top selling list.

Infix Pro has almost everything that makes it a good substitute for a word processor; even the spell checks. I tried opening a PDF document, which stubbornly resisted every attempt to get it opened in Acrobat Reader, opened meekly in Infix Pro. And just after saving it in Infix Pro behaved well in Acrobat Reader also.


In this age of E-Books, I think Infix pro has every potential to make it popular and well accepted among users, provided its features are well documented and projected. It is really an excellent tool.