MP3 Doctor Pro

MP3Doctor is an editing tool that lets you check, modify, and improve your MP3 and WAV files. You can repair imperfect songs or modify them with trimming, equalizing, and resampling. The goal is to let you maintain similar quality, volume, and sound on all your MP3s. In addition, the program converts MP3 files to WAV and vice versa. Moreover, the program can handle ID3 tags of MP3 files.
Age of Castles

In a distant realm of sword and sorcery, a great evil had swept across the land. Demons from the underworld and their evil minions poured across the kingdoms of man, until the great cities lay in ruin, and there were naught but a handful of cowering souls remaining. The people were in need of a King.

MySlideShow allows you to create and play slide shows on your PC and DVD player. Groups of images (with corresponding sound/music files) can be viewed sequentially on your monitor as a slide show. You can view your photos as a filmstrip or thumbnails. Several slide shows can be combined into an album. The program allows you to add captions and background music and set transition effects.
Advanced WMA Workshop

Hundreds of utilities out there offer users a pocketknife's worth of tools for encoding audio. Advanced WMA Workshop succeeds where others fail time and time again. It's quick, it looks good, and it supports the most popular file formats around.
Vision Backup 10

Vision Backup 10 Enterprise is an advanced and easy-to-use backup solution, designed for scheduled backup of your mission critical data. Supported media's include CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW, FTP/SFTP/FTPS, Tape, Flash Devices and USB Hard Drives.
n-Track Studio

n-Track Studio is a multitrack recorder for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. A complete recording studio in your PC: all you need is a card and some free space on your hard disk to store audio data.
Ace Utilities

Ace Utilities is a set of system-maintenance and optimization utilities for enhancing Windows performance.
Effect3D Studio

Effect3D Studio provides designers of all levels the ability to create professional-looking 3D animated graphics. A real-time 3D preview window provides a WYSIWYG editing environment.
Crusaders Of Space

After an unexpected attack by the aliens, a long and exhausting war has followed. The Earth defenders have virtually no resources and manpower to continue the resistance. There is only one chance left. This chance is you.

ParetoLogic's XoftSpy offers an easy-to-use anti-spyware solution with all the power and functionality of more complicated programs. XoftSpy detects and removes adware, spyware, keyloggers, worms, Trojans, browser hijackers and a host of other threats.
Replay Music

When it comes to music on the Internet, you have two legal choices: you can stream tracks, or you can purchase them as individual downloads.
Beetle Ju

Beetle Ju is an earth-digging, stone-falling and fun thinking arcade game.

123 LogAnalyzer is one of the fastest, most powerful and detailed solutions for seeing who your site visitors are, where they come from, where they go, and more. 123 LogAnalyzer can analyze a website log file at 1GB per minute (94,000 lines per second). On an 800Mhz PIII computer running Windows 2000, it can analyze a 625MB log file in only 37 seconds, which very well may be a world record. The program runs under Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, FreeBSD and Sun Solaris platforms. It can either run on client PCs or on servers.
Outpost Firewall Pro

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro is world's foremost protection application, providing a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration.
Flash Catcher

Want to save funny flash in the web pages? Flash Catcher is especially designed for you. With only two clicks, you can download your favorite flashes easily. Flash Catcher is the tool software to help you download swf files from web pages.
SendPhotos Gold

Share your digital photos quickly and easily. Send and receive your photos 25 times faster. Photos are automatically resized and inserted in the body of the e-mail, eliminating the need for bulky attachments, and thus greatly reducing download and transmission times. Just follow a few simple steps to create a spectacular, professional e-mail with your photos.

Space waste management may not sound like the most exciting carrier in the universe, but Zzed had to take the job to be able to marry his lovely green alien sweetheart.
O&O Defrag Professional

The new O&O Defrag Professional Edition for Windows-based workstations unlocks the hidden Performance of your computer. This software will optimize your hard disk in Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows NT 4 Workstation, securely repacking fragmented files together for more efficiency.
Moon Tycoon

Rocket to the moon and beyond to build and manage your own 3-D lunar colony. In Moon Tycoon you control all aspects of colony life - from building colonies and creating industries, to trading with Earth and alien races -are in your hands. An amazing and engaging 3-D strategy/sim that puts you in control of a burgeoning lunar empire!
Pics Print

Pics Print is a Windows application that makes it simple to format and print high-quality photos, greeting cards, contact sheets, and family albums. Using wizards and templates, you can quickly grab images from digital cameras, scanners or disk, make color corrections and add style to them, resize and annotate them, and print them using your printer's highest quality settings.