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Publisher: Purple Room Publishing
The lowest price: $31.46

Rhymesaurus for Windows is the perfect reference software for songwriters, poets, marketers, and anyone who needs to find exactly the right word. It's more than just the world's most powerful rhyming dictionary, with over 120,000 words; Rhymesaurus includes a full 115,000 word Webster's dictionary, Roget's Thesaurus, a useful "sounds-like" reference. Rhymesaurus even allows you to surf the lexical relationships between words, and search for words based on their stress patterns.

Perfect rhymes (also called "normative" rhymes) make it easy to find words that end with the same sounds and the same lexical reference, regardless if they are single-syllable rhymes (e.g., cat/hat), double-syllable rhymes (e.g., piranha/iguana), or triple-syllable rhymes (e.g., hammering/stammering). You don't have to specify that you want a double- or triple-rhyme. Rhymesaurus figures it out automatically based on the word you enter!

Light rhymes are word pairs where the final syllable of one is stressed, but the penultimate syllable of the other is stressed (e.g., morning/sing). If you enter a word with the lexical stress on the final syllable, Rhymesaurus will show you words with the stress on the penultimate syllable, and vice versa. Use final-syllable rhymes to find words that end with the same sound, regardless of lexical emphasis.

Read reviewsDisplaying 11-13 of 13 reviews
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Astonishing Rhyming Dictionary.

By hiramrajkamal on Thu, 2007-09-27 01:37
Pros: The best program to find out the accurate word.
Cons: Reckoning out automatically is really a good thing.
This is a Software that has an ultimate collection of right words. This not only gives the exact meaning but also the complete info of the word & gives the synonyms & antonyms of the word and its...
Product Rating:
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Try It Then Buy It

By thepinkbandit on Wed, 2006-07-26 06:22
Pros: Innovative approach to finding that right word. Helpful tips for learning the program.
Cons: Should be better integrated with another program to heighten effectiveness.
Wow. I haven’t appreciated a program for its sheer simplicity and functionality this much since the unveiling of Morpheus and Kazaa. Rhymesaurus developers make it possible to intelligently...
Product Rating:
Ease of Use: 

Great dictionary-thesaurus combination

By scifiwritir on Wed, 2006-03-15 19:40
Pros: Great startup tips. A dictionary program that can be used without a wordprocessing program. Can be run from CD.
Cons: Drab look. The average person will have to decipher the meanings of some definitions in order to understand what a particular tab or click is supposed to do.
This is a utilitarian program which supplements the wimpy dictionaries and thesauruses in word-processing programs. Rhymesauraus’ greatest virtue is its cross-referencing. Words are linked by sound...