
NETObserve 2.9 is a powerful, discrete remote web based surveillance and administration suite. It includes the ability to monitor Internet chat conversations, websites visited, windows, applications...
Infacta GroupMail

With the multi award winning GroupMail range of products you can take the effort out of your Marketing, Bulk Email and SMS text message requirements with complete ease and total peace of mind.

123 LogAnalyzer is one of the fastest, most powerful and detailed solutions for seeing who your site visitors are, where they come from, where they go, and more. 123 LogAnalyzer can analyze a website log file at 1GB per minute (94,000 lines per second). On an 800Mhz PIII computer running Windows 2000, it can analyze a 625MB log file in only 37 seconds, which very well may be a world record. The program runs under Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, FreeBSD and Sun Solaris platforms. It can either run on client PCs or on servers.
Flash Catcher

Want to save funny flash in the web pages? Flash Catcher is especially designed for you. With only two clicks, you can download your favorite flashes easily. Flash Catcher is the tool software to help you download swf files from web pages.

NewsAloud personal news agent finds the stories you want, then reads them aloud in a natural, human sounding voice.
East-Tec Eraser 2006

Protect your data and privacy and remove all evidence of your computer and online activity with East-Tec Eraser 2006. Eraser goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense standards for the permanent erasure of digital information and easily removes every trace of sensitive data from your computer.
Address Magic

Address Magic quickly and easily copies addresses books between the most popular e-mail applications, including Outlook, Outlook Express, AOL, CompuServe, Eudora, Mozilla, Netscape, Pegasus, Lotus Notes, Thunderbird, Hotmail Plus, Groupwise and Opera.

SuperBot can download files, folders, or entire websites with as little as one click. Thanks to its HTML rewriting technology, copied sites look and feel like the online versions.
ChoiceMail One

ChoiceMail One stands out as a leader among email software products that filter spam. Many email filters rely on users to continually establish and maintain rules; the ChoiceMail One anti-spam system is Permission-Based, with an option to use several features to deal with email from unknown senders and rules for special situations. This flexible system returns control of the inbox to the email user.
123 LogAnalyzer

123 LogAnalyzer is one of the fastest, most powerful and detailed solutions for seeing who your site visitors are, where they come from, where they go, and more.
Binary Boy

Download music, movies and pictures from news servers. Browse manually or schedule a search to collect files while you sleep.